“Kerin was my dance teacher from when I was 9 until I was 18. She shaped me into a highly disciplined dancer and person who has very high expectations for myself and others! Kerin’s teaching style and passion for dance made me look forward to four hour dance rehearsals almost every day of the week!” - Danielle Kessler 


Kerin is the dance instructor everyone dreams of having, truly. I started dancing with Kerin as a student when I was in elementary school, and thanks to Kerin’s instruction and motivation I was able to flourish into the dancer I am today. Kerin gives you her undivided attention every second you’re with her, as well as pushes you creatively. During my time in college, I was able to be a dance teacher alongside Kerin, and my respect continued to grow for her dedication to her art. Kerin has been such an important part of my life, and I only hope that despite the craziness we are living through, that she will also soon become a part of yours! - Caroline Frankenfeld 

“Kerin is the type of person you always want to be around. She makes everyone feel like a someone. Kerin greatly cares about the development and growth of her dancers — both in and outside of rehearsal. She was made to teach and inspire, and it’s truly evident that dance education is her passion.” - Stacey Barta 


"I was a student of Miss Kerin's for almost ten years and am so grateful for her role in my dance education growing up. She is encouraging, enthusiastic, and teaches correct technique while never failing to incorporate fun into every lesson!” - Grace Gilmour 

“I most appreciate the energy Kerin brings to each and every class, and her attention to detail. She pushed me to become better technically and performance-wise, and she supported me step-by-step in reaching those goals. I became a better dancer in her classes, but I also gained so much confidence and drive. And those are the things I’m most grateful for, inside and outside of the dance studio.”   - Christina Beck


 "Without Kerin's guidance, I never would have found my passion for dance that I found in my very first tap class with her when I was in the fourth grade. She was the first teacher I had that truly had faith in me and showed me how important hard work was if I wanted to succeed, or go anywhere, in dance and in life. The principles of perseverance, discipline, and respect that she implemented in her classes continue to stick with me today, and I feel they are truly what have gotten me through my dance career. This past year I have served as a Junior Lieutenant for the Red Jackets, where I have continued to find my love for dance, but have also found my love for teaching dance, and I definitely see some of her teaching styles reflected in my own!" - Lyla Tidmore

Kerin is simply the best. Whenever people ask me what teacher was most impactful in my life - I say Kerin. She was my dance teacher for seven years. She taught me confidence, she taught me technique, and she taught me how to work hard for what I wanted. After being (the best) teacher, she became my coworker as I taught classes at the same studio as her. She was always helping me with tips on how to control the class, helping me when I was stuck on choreography, and making me smile. Kerin is passionate about dance and her students. As I said, she is simply the best! - Natalie Banister Allen 


“Kerin was my teacher from when I was in 4th grade until I graduated high school. She pushed me to grow in my strength and technique and in my artistry. I would not be a college dance major today without all of miss Kerin’s support!” - Kennedy Scheulke 


"Check out Open Air Dance Collective if you are looking for outdoor - safe and FAB fun dance lessons! Miss Kerin meets in our driveway and H LOVES HER, the dance instruction, and she is growing in her practice + flexibility! Beyond thankful for Kerin and this option to move, express creativity, learn healing aspect of dance and be stronger during this weird year” - Liz Bullock (Instagram Review) 


"Kerin is professional, but also very apporachable and radiates joy and positivity, especially when she is teaching. It is clear that teaching dance is her passion and she puts everything she has into every class she teaches. She goes above and beyond because she truly cares so much about all of her students and wants them to feel good about themselves. For Kerin, it is not just about teaching her students dance routines to perform, but more importantly about teaching them the correct techniques so thst they can continue dancing without injury into their eighties! ;)

Cary Johl


Five Stars: 

Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value - Brandy Robb (from Google Reviews)


"We love OADC & Kerin! Kerin is the very best dance instructor - she teaches amazing skills and discipline while instilling confidence in all her dancers. She provides amazing opportunities for growth, training, education and performance. Kerin does everything with her whole heart, and brings out the very best in every one of her dancers!" - Christy Brewer (from Google Reviews)
